welcome to the Nourished with Kindness blog

It’s time we prove that self-care is health care. Join us in reclaiming health, happiness, and connectivity and challenging stress as the status quo.


Episode 14: Is Weight-Inclusive Weight Loss a Thing?

In this episode, Karen and Alyssa discuss how to work with clients who are interested in losing weight while also healing their relationship with food and body. We share that as anti-diet dietitians, we are not judgemental of those who are interested in losing weight and in fact work with many clients who struggle with […]

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Episode 13: Getting Unstuck and Sitting in the Suck with Clients

In this episode, Alyssa and Karen discuss what to do when you’re feeling stuck working with a client struggling with an eating disorder. We explore different scenarios where clients (and providers) might feel ‘stuck’, such as failing to make progress, finding themselves in repetitive behaviors, or feeling a disconnect between expected and actual treatment outcomes. […]

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Episode 12: Health is More than Kale and Cardio

In this episode, Karen and Alyssa discuss social determinants of health aka the side of health care we all should’ve learned a lot more about in school. We discuss factors impacting health such as income, education levels, access to healthcare, and societal norms and how we can all incorporate these into our practice to provide […]

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Our Top Tips for Body Peace

Not letting our minds bully our bodies is a whole lot easier said than done. Try these 8 steps to start giving your body the love you deserve.

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