Welcome to the Business of Caring Podcast!
The Business of Caring Podcast is a vulnerable and honest space curated for dietitians, therapists, and other caring professionals and business owners in the weight inclusive space. This podcast will share stories, insights, and wisdom from myself and guest experts who are living the day to day helping kick the butt of diet culture, while getting our butts kicked in the roller coaster of entrepreneurship. Turn up the volume, get cozy, and get ready to feel so heard, validated, and inspired in your career.
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Alyssa Snow Callahan is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Certified Eating Disorder Specialist - Supervisor, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, author of The Mindful Eating Journal, and Founder / CEO of Nourished with Kindness. Alyssa specializes in eating disorders, binge eating, emotional eating, and body image in teens and adults, as well as a weight-neutral approach to treating fertility/pregnancy issues. She earned her Masters in Nutritional Science from California State University at Los Angeles and received her B.S. in Communication from Boston University with concentrations in Psychology and Public Relations.
Meet the NWK Team
If you are a dietitian, therapist, or eating disorder professional, you are in the business of caring and I'm here to support you!
- Alyssa
Come on the show
We are looking to interview guests in future episodes. If you would like to be a guest or suggest a future or guest, email us at businessofcaringpod {at} gmail.com.
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