
Episode 14: Is Weight-Inclusive Weight Loss a Thing?

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We're eating disorder-specialized, weight-inclusive dietitians who love supporting clients and clinicians to nourish their bodies, minds, and hearts.
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In this episode, Karen and Alyssa discuss how to work with clients who are interested in losing weight while also healing their relationship with food and body. We share that as anti-diet dietitians, we are not judgemental of those who are interested in losing weight and in fact work with many clients who struggle with their weight. We speak about how we can express understanding and provide support for the reasons for a client’s desire for weight loss, such as improving health, alleviating pain, and pursuing safety from societal and external pressure and judgment. We share how we help clients focus on behaviors and intentions rather than the scale and common discussions and goals we have with our clients around weight stigma and body image. 

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